Therion – 2007. 06. 16. – Jégcsarnok – Miskolc

Eljátszott számok

01 Announce

Part I - Therion songs in the interpretation of the symphonic orchestra, choir and opera solists
02 Clavicula Nox

Part II - Classical music Interpreted by the symphonic orchestra, choir, operasolists and Therion
03 Dvorak - 9th Symphony, Part iV
04 Verdi - Il Trovatore, Vedi! le fosche notturne spoglie
05 Mozart - Requiem, Dies Irae
06 Saint-Saens - 3rd Symphony, Organ Maestoso (fragment)
07 Wagner - Siegfried, Notung! Notung! Neidliches Schwert!
08 Wagner - Rienzi, Uvertura (fragment)/Act III Der Tag Ist Da (fragment)/Act V Finale (fragment)

Part III - Therion songs from different albums, rewritten for symphonic orchestra, choir, solists and Therion

09 Blood of Kingu
10 Sirius B
11 Lemuria
12 Eternal Return
13 Draconian Trilogy
14 Schwarzalbenheim
15 The Siren of the Woods
16 Via Nocturna
17 The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah
18 Grand Finale
19 Mozart - Requiem, Dies Irae
20 Wagner - Rienzi, Act V Finale (fragment)






Felvétel: Közönség

Teljes: igen

Hossz: 125:23

Felszerelés: Giant Squid Mics > Giant Squid Battery Box with Bass Roll-Off > Sony TCD D8 DAT

Másolat: DAT(M) > FLAC


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